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Total Load Control Plan for Environmental Impact Assessment in Slope-Land Areas-Case Study on Miao-Li County

According to the environmental carrying capacity, total load control aimed to develop and use environmental sources under the acceptable capacity,reducing the impacts and ards of unsuitable developments and uses.Meanwhile, total load control focuses on the individual environmental characteristics and carrying capacity to determine the standards of total load based on the capacities of water, air and so on. The air quality, water resources, water quality and nmental sensitive land, soil quality and land use suitability of Miao-Li County were analyzed to perform total load analysis establishing the total load assessment and control rategies as the references of environmental impact assessment for EPA. The analyzed results and data of total load control were converted and established into geographical information system. In the views of land use and sensitive land of Miao-Li County, the land-cover percentages of conservation area, conditional development area and else are 27%, 70% and 3%, respectively. According to the air pollution tendencies, only almost 2% of days per year had poor air quality (PSI > 100) that represents good air quality in Miao-Li County. However, the reduction of PM 10 emission is the first essential work that enforces the controls of the moving pollution sources such as vehicles and fixed pollution sources such as factories by establishing the growing and reducing volumes to gradually improve air quality in this study area. Water resources analyses results indicated that the surface water is the major resource of using water could support 165,000 CMD almost 68% of total supplying water. The needs of drinking water are supplied by Hungho-Shan, Mi-Te and Liyu-Tan reservoirs. This water supplying can satisfy the water needs from now up to 2003 in this study area. After 2003, it is essential for creating the new sources of water and rearranging water supply system in this study area. The water pollution analysis results illustrated that the firs
Carrying Capacity,Total Load Control,Environmental Impact Assessment